Inspired Fashion Reports from Asia

16 July 2010

Dear Bell Accessories


Local Hong Kong fashion designers are inspired by the Japanese scene, yet I find they take the more whimsical and refine it for the business centered landscape of HK. The office attire doesn't seem to approve of extreme fashion forward environments. But there are also many locals whom push the limits and know their consumer-Asian teens-whom love kitch, whimsy, and all things girlie. A dear girlfriend of mine, based in Hong Kong, recently mentioned that after years in NYC it was liberating for her to live in HK where she can purchase clothing more girl-centric. One has the option to not look so refined-tough. Recently found this shop, Dear Bell, designed by Mr. Bell Kwan. He uses materials such as kids toys, mini perfume bottles and found objects. Super price point (19.00-50.00 USD) and will make great presents for that teen queen (or king) in your life.
Dear Bell Website

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