Inspired Fashion Reports from Asia

03 September 2010

Knock Off Shoes, Better than Knock Off Bags...Guilty Pleasures

"My Version"
The "real version"
Again, I am not certain where I stand in the land of knock off, anything, yet even the most resistant shopper with some searching, will find stand out knock off shoes.  No doubt, in about a year, these will land in the West.   I am not searching after designer knock off shoes and most times whilst shopping in this city, I find shoes, which I am attracted to, that happen to be.  Guess it is my taste for the finer things, while not having any desire to spend more than $50 USD on anything clothing/accessory oriented.  So, when I fell upon these (last season, yes) shoes, I couldn't resist.  It is hot here in HK, can't breathe, no wind, I am wearing clothes, but when you walk inside, the A/C is so strong, you have to wrap up, otherwise you will catch a chill.  And yes, I bought these stunners, less than $50.00 USD.  Thank you Malabika for taking the pic, we had to sneak it, most shop keepers don't allow photos in their boutiques, yes ironic, for fear of customers interested in "knocking off" the items in their store...

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