Inspired Fashion Reports from Asia

29 July 2010

Indian Fashion Weeks (and too many weeks) Couture 2010

Love the very Bollywood style set, with exception of the glaring signage on the back set wall, dress has potential...

Lovely backing

Model Lisa Hayden (on of India's top models) on runway for Manav Gangwani's show

I met with IMG India, whom runs the Mumbai Fashion week, which perhaps is the foremost show in India at the moment. I was told that India has about 25+ fashion shows (most 1st and 2nd tier cities are hosting them) along with mens and couture every year. I am a huge supporter of Indian designers and the growth of the industry world-wide. Yet, similar to many elements in India that are frustrating (government and lack of infrastructure--both utterly time consuming), the fashion industries lack of strategy is frustrating. First off, there should be only 1 fashion week, held 2x/year (and not during the NYC/Paris/Milan junket) highlighting the best of the best, rather than allowing anyone enter whom has the funds. During each show week, all designers share the same stylist, hair & makeup and models, which doesn’t allow for much ingenuity. Hair, makeup and styling comes across too extreme, the west only pays attention the poor styling rather than the intricacy of the clothing. Case in point, the latest couture shows.

If India really wants the west to notice its designs, and we do recognize your talent (many major western designers are getting their beading and embroidery work done here), they have to play the game. National and regional identity is one thing, but overwhelming the west with too many mediocre designers won’t help. There are some fantastic houses here, more which I will cover in my blog. A unified show week, will enable buyers to see the best of the best, including individual clients whom may want something made custom, is the way India must proceed. A few years ago, I met with the embroidery designers whom did all the costumes for the movie Elizabeth in Bangalore (designers I will review), their work is mind-blowing and leads me to think, what unique wedding gowns they could make for the west.

The fashion talent has arrived in India, yet the execution and strategy is lacking. Seems to be a national problem. Sorry mother India. I can love you and be critical of you as well.

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